09 February 2008

Make it so

You don't have to be a Trekkie to appreciate Patrick Stewart and the amazingness of this song. Warning: you will be singing this song, long after it’s over.

Darkmateria -- Picard Song

And here is the video for good measure (dancing Picard is made of Super Win.)

I realise how nerdy this post may make me appear, but I must assure you that I've maybe watched a dozen episodes of Star Trek in my twenty-one year lifespan. Because frankly, I'm a Star Wars gal.

Supernova -- Chewbacca (What a Wookie!)

Aphex Twin -- Star Wars Mix


Unknown said...

Captain Jean Picard of the USS Enterprise.

Lol. I will never tire of this.

Giarie said...

I know you won't.