17 July 2008

Sometimes I Think I'll Find A Love, One That's Gonna Change My Heart


Admittedly, before Tuesday, I hadn't really given Spoon much consideration. Sure, I owned Girls Can Tell and Gimme Fiction, and did listen to them on occasion (especially Girls), but for one reason or another, they just didn't manage to capture my full interest. That folks, has changed after seeing them live. I mean the passion put forth, especially by their charismatic frontman, Britt Daniels, didn't leave anyone denying that they love what they do.

Pre-concert, I had attempted to familiarize myself with Spoon's latest release and the like, Ga Ga Ga Ga, but largely due to a sloth-like laptop, could not burn the album for a proper listen. Now that laptop runs much smoother, and am able to run more than one program at once without it taking an eon to do anything, have procured myself solid copies of what was missing from my Spoon collection.

Finer Feelings - Spoon

Someone Something - Spoon

Everything Hits At Once - Spoon

Anything You Want - Spoon

This Book Is A Movie - Spoon

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