29 August 2008

50 years of Excellency

Pardon being m.i.a. for the last month, between moving, working, and catching up with friends, this girl hasn't had time to catch her breath, let alone blog.

Why the return today? Well, the pop love of my life, Michael Joseph Jackson turns the big 5-0 today (also a birthday shout to mi amigo Dan, who runs am.fm.pm). Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson. While most don't understand you, my ears love you and are grateful to your 40+ year career. Owning all of your work from the Jackson 5 to the Jacksons, and all of your solo work (early releases like Ben included)--I just can't get enough of you.

Not having access to either of my personal computers, I can not celebrate proper, linking you all to my previous MJ posts. Everyone needs a little MJ in their life. Also to make up for lack of superb celbratory posting, I shall share a Jackson related mishap today:

Showering today, I decided to blast some MJ. Spazztic as I am, showering, singing, and dancing at the same time is not a bright idea. "Rock With You" was the culprit, sending me out of the shower and onto the floor. Embarrassing, yes, but completely and utterly hilarious.

Respects Not Given It's Earned

The Visually Delicious 5

MJ Edition of Cover Me This, Cover Me That

Thriller 25

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