06 June 2008

I'll get my bro to rob your phone

An hour til the doors open at the Pool, and three hours til showtime, and I still have an extra ticket. This is deja vu all over again, except, this time one, the show is sold out, and two, I had actually found someone for the Justice ticket. A Craig's List post for a free M.I.A. ticket yielded no charms, and one honestly can't blame it considering all the scams that go on there. But still!! I may just end up giving it away at the show, because I honestly don't know how else to put it out there. I would try to scalp it even, but my luck, I'd get busted.

Either way, I will be enjoying some rad fucking tunes. I've been stoked for this concert for months, and now the day has arrived--a big 'lectro orgy to end my first week in the Big Apple. And after the week I have had, it couldn't be more welcomed. Home girl is definitely going to be tearing it up tonight with beer and dancing. Huzzah! To get y'all (as well as myself) in the rump-bumpin' hip-dippin' mood, a little M.I.A. for ya listenin' pleasure.

M.I.A. -- Fire Fire

M.I.A. -- Galang

M.I.A. -- Mango Pickle Down River

M.I.A. -- XR2

M.I.A. -- Paper Planes (DFA Remix)

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